Family Bundle Wildcrafted Sea Moss Gel - 3 pack


Our fresh and ready-made to perfection gel that will have you wondering where its been your whole life. We don't take any shortcuts when preparing this for you, the raw sea moss is cleaned thoroughly and carefully, always soaked in spring water and accompanied by a small hint of some fresh limes. It is then blended to the consistency that our customers rave about and sealed tight for your enjoyment. You'll be wondering why other sea moss gels aren't as fresh or tasty!
Some of the vitamins and trace minerals found in sea moss are:
It acts as an expectorant meaning it aides the process of expelling extra mucus from your lungs.
It is a pre-biotic therefore it helps get rid of bad bacteria in your gut further improving your digestive health.
It acts as an anti-inflammatory so it strengthens connective tissue and speeds up recovery from joint injuries.
Soothes the digestive tract due to its mucilaginous texture and has helped people for years with ulcerative conditions and gastritis.
Improves skin related conditions such as eczema, acne and psoriasis when applied directly to skin due to the high mineral and vitamin content
Suppresses your appetite.
Glows hair, skin and nails when applied topically.
Supports a healthy thyroid and heart plus helps with weight management.
Helps with muscle and nerve functions as well as regulating blood pressure.
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